
Add djfractions to settings.INSTALLED_APPS

Model Fields



Takes a fractions.Fraction value, stores it as a decimal value, and then returns it as a fractions.Fraction. This field is highly based on Django’s models.DecimalField implementation and so the max_digits and decimal_places arguments are required.

param str verbose_name:
 The verbose name of the field
param str name:Name of the field
param int max_digits:
 Maximum number of digits to use for the Decimal representation
param int decimal_places:
 Maximum number of decimal places to use for the Decimal representation
param int limit_denominator:
 Limits the fraction’s denominator to this value if it is set.
paraam bool coerce_thirds:
 If True, then when values which appear to be Decimal values which started as 1/3 or 2/3 will be forced back to 1/3 or 2/3 when retrieved from the database.

Form Fields



Returns a fractions.Fraction instance. Takes a string formatted as a fraction such as 1/4, 1 1/4, 1-1/4, 1 and 1/4, or -1/4 as input in a form.

param Decimal max_value:
 The maximum value allowed for this field
param Decimal min_value:
 The minimum value allowed for this field
param int limit_denominator:
 Limits the fraction’s denominator to this value if it is set.
param bool coerce_thirds:
 If True, then when values which appear to be Decimal values which started as 1/3 or 2/3 will be forced back to 1/3 or 2/3 when retrieved from the database.
param bool use_mixed_numbers:
 If True initial values which are decimals and floats greater than 1 will be converted to a mixed number such as 1 1/2 in the form field’s value. If False then improper fractions such as 3/2 will be created. Defaults to True.


from django import forms
from djfractions.forms import FractionField

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    a_fraction = FractionField()



Returns a decimal.Decimal instance. Takes a string formatted as a fraction such as 1/4, 1 1/4, 1-1/4, 1 and 1/4, or -1/4 as input in a form.

param bool coerce_thirds:
 Defaults to True. If True then .3 repeating is forced to 1/3 rather than 3/10, 33/100, etc. and .66 and .67 are forced to 2/3.
param int limit_denominator:
 Set a maximum denominator to be used on fractions created from the field input.
param bool use_mixed_numbers:
 If True initial values which are decimals and floats greater than 1 will be converted to a mixed number such as 1 1/2 in the form field’s value. If False then improper fractions such as 3/2 will be created. Defaults to True.
param max_value:
 The maximum value allowed
param min_value:
 The minimum value allowed
param int decimal_places:
 The maximum number of decimal places the resulting Decimal value may have
param int max_digits:
 The maximum number of digits, including decimal places, the resulting Decimal may have.


from django import forms
from djfractions.forms import DecimalFractionField

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    a_fraction = DecimalFractionField()

Template Tags


{% display_fraction value limit_denominator allow_mixed_numbers coerce_thirds %}

The display_fraction tag displays a formatted fraction in an HTML template. It takes a value and optional parameters to limit the denominator, allow mixed numbers, and adjust decimal/float values which usually are the result of rounding thirds back to thirds based fractions.

The output of this tag can be changed by overriding the djfractions/display_fraction.html template. This is because there are a number of style choices you might make depending on needs. In some cases <sup> and <sub> tags may cause issues with screen readers. You may just want to add css classes for easier styling. The template context also includes a unicode_entity value which has the html entity for the unicode value of a fraction if one is available. The unicode html entity is preferred by some people, but only a small number of fractions are supported (particularly if you must support very old browsers) and the styling is frequently difficult to match up exactly with <sup> and <sub> tags.:

{% load fractions %}
{% display_fraction 1.5 %}

Would output:

1 <sup>1</sup>&frasl;<sub>2</sub>

The template context:

The whole number part of a fraction. If allow_mixed_numbers is False then this will always be 0.
The numerator of a fraction. For values which are only a whole number the numerator will be 0.
The denominator of a fraction. For values which are only a whole number the denominator will be 1 for a fraction of 0/1.
The unicode_entity is the html entity for the unicode fraction if one exists.
The value passed to the tag for allow_mixed_numbers. Knowing this can be useful in template display logic.

The following unicode fraction HTML entities are supported by django-fractions. They may not all be supported by your browser.

Entity IE 11 Firefox 39 Chrome 44
&frac12; Yes Yes Yes
&frac13; Yes Yes Yes
&frac23; Yes Yes Yes
&frac14; Yes Yes Yes
&frac34; Yes Yes Yes
&frac15; Yes Yes Yes
&frac25; Yes Yes Yes
&frac35; Yes Yes Yes
&frac45; Yes Yes Yes
&frac16; Yes Yes Yes
&frac56; Yes Yes Yes
&frac17; No No Yes
&frac18; Yes Yes Yes
&frac38; Yes Yes Yes
&frac58; Yes Yes Yes
&frac78; Yes Yes Yes


{% display_improper_fraction value limit_denominator coerce_thirds %}

The display_improper_fraction tag works the same as display_fraction with its allow_mixed_numbers set to False. It is just a shortcut for a common use case.:

{% load fractions %}
{% display_improper_fraction 1.5 %}

Would output:
